The dashboard allows you to analyze all your campaigns by region and channel. For each campaign, display the desired metrics: Sessions, Site Orders (Make and Redemption), ROPO Revenue, Ratio of ROPO Revenue to Online Channel Sales, Incremental Revenue (%) via Linear Multi-Channel Attribution, and Last-click attribution (attribution-performance comparison), online DRR, and online DRR delta considering offline.
Multichannel linear attribution allows us to understand which sources participated in the user journey and influenced decision making.
Dashboard is multifunctional. The attribution of the online budget to offline, is commensurable with the attribution to online. This can be seen on the dashboard and tracked. You can compare different algorithms and see the difference in CRR, which allows you to identify those campaigns that are underrated in terms of their impact on offline purchases.
Consequently, you can see where and which campaigns are impacting offline purchases. However, also you can reallocate the budget from those campaigns that aren't generating profit, or have a high CRR, If these campaigns do have potential.