Type in your job to see how AI could affect it

A study by The Washington Post on how artificial intelligence, specifically ChatGPT and Midjourney, will impact different professions.
A study by The Washington Post on how artificial intelligence, specifically ChatGPT and Midjourney, will impact different professions.

Each dot represents a specific profession, and you can try searching for something closest to yours. AI will have the least impact on jobs involving manual labor, while those professions that already rely on computer usage are at higher risk.

Greater susceptibility does not automatically imply that these employees will be substituted by machines. In certain domains, artificial intelligence has the potential to enhance productivity for workers. Conversely, it may also result in automation and job displacement.
Where do Market Research Analysts and Marketing Specialists stand?
Where do Market Research Analysts and Marketing Specialists stand?
As we can see, Market Research Analysts and Marketing Specialists are in the moderate risk zone according to the study. But this implies they might utilize artificial intelligence to expedite their tasks and increase efficiency.

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